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Duncan Waddell


As the company’s Managing Director Duncan Waddell is one of Australia’s leading authorities in the profession of facilities management. He has over 30 years of international management experience across facility, asset and corporate real estate fields and is a recognised keynote speaker at national and international conferences, forums and workshops and is a visiting lecturer at some of Australia’s leading universities.

Duncan has worked with a wide range of international organisations including NAB, Coles, RMIT University, Macquarie University, Westpac, IBM, General Electric, Lend Lease and Shell Australia.

Duncan Is a Life Member and former Chairman of the Facility Management Association of Australia (FMAA).

Duncan is also the Chairman of Global FM, the federation of FM Associations from countries around the world. He is a Member of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD).